Automatic Waterers For Livestock | The dog
Automatic Waterer
One of my clients recently went on a business trip for a couple of days. Naturally, he did all the normal things to do when leaving a home unattended for a period of time. He made sure that all doors were locked, that television, computer and other electrical items turned off, and that the mail was picked up.
He said he would always have to leave your home unattended normally turn off the water main. For some reason did not show the water main outside this time. Would you?
Several days later came home from his trip and saw a puddle of water by the front door. At first he thought that the irrigation system must be leak but you can imagine what was going through her head as she opened Slowly the door .
As soon as he entered the house of his worst nightmare came to life. Your complete floor was covered with an inch of standing water. The carpet, padding, baseboards, panels, kitchen cabinets, furniture, and everything that happened to have on the floor all ruined by a sum of approximately $ 30,000 in damages. Apparently a water pipe burst and flooded the joint home for days while he was away.
Was there anything he could have done to prevent this from happening? Yes, and there are things you can do well.
You should not have to turn off the water each time you exit its main home unattended. Opening and closing a main pipe may actually wear out over time. However, its cheaper to replace than coming home to a flooded house.
One thing you may want to do immediately is to check the water pressure coming into your home. So many times I'll find a house with water very high pressure. High water pressure could stress water pipes around your house and make it eventually broke. Your appliances like the dishwasher, washing machine, water heater and water softener are all affected by this and any of them could cause problems. High pressure water can be caused by a regulator of bad water - that curious cone-shaped device next to your main water supply. You can check the water pressure with low cost pressure meters you can buy at any hardware store. Normally, water pressure should not exceed 80 psi, but check with your local codes. If you find that the pressure water is off, you may be able to adjust the water regulator has a small adjustment screw or knob. But often it turns out that the regulator needs be replaced. That will cost about $ 30 in parts and maybe another $ 100 labor.
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For the ultimate peace of mind, you may want to what I did in my own home. I installed a water system shut off feature. Whenever water is found on the floor in my house, a radio signal is sent to a receiver in my garage. The receiver will turn off the water supply as soon as it detects problems. The way this works is very simple. A sensor and transmitter are placed in strategic locations throughout the house. Places such as bathrooms, kitchen, laundry, and really anywhere. The sensor continuously scans for water. So if the sink overflows and the water reaches the sensor, a wireless signal is sent to the receiver. The receiver has a valve to shut off the water supply of the house. The system is easy restoring, for example, when accidentally spilled a bucket of water on the bathroom floor. But it works 7 / 24 and not have to worry about coming home to a flood.
Several manufacturers make this system and other water sensor alarm only when water is detected, but do not turn the main water supply. Search on the Internet for the various manufacturers of water and flood sensors. If you're curious about what I have, its called WaterCop. It cost me $ 700 total and was able to install everything myself. You'll have to cut the water main so if you do not know how to weld copper pipe will need to hire a plumber for that part of the installation. Individual water sensors located throughout the home are easy to install.
Bursting water pipes and resulting water damage does not happen very often. When it does, can be very very expensive. If that's not the worst of all, your insurance company will probably raise insurance rates and the red flag of the property. If you intend to sell the house, you will have to disclose the flooding and damage resulting from the mold. This can cause potential buyers to avoid your house completely.
About the Author
Anthony Iasi is an experienced Realtor both as a buyer's agent and as a listing agent covering all of San Diego and Riverside counties new and resale homes. Certified as a Feng Shui advisor and e-Pro certified, I offer complete paperless transactions on the internet for busy corporate executives as well as one-on-one old fashioned service for the first time homebuyer.
Why is my cat so sad?
My cat seems depressed all the time. I try to pay as much attention to their possible but I have to go to school, homework, homework, etc. She gets her food from a feeder, its drinking water from a machine, your bed is open, (does not have cover) that has a Buddha cat litter container thingy, and she's been acting very aggressive lately. I mean, me and my dad plays with her, and scratching a times, but I can not sleep with her until I fall asleep and my mom puts in my room, either when Jay Leno is terminated, or when you wake up again I am a bit depressed also because I love her with all my heart, but I do not know what is wrong with it I need help urgently! Please tell me if my cat is good! We can not have another cat and she is very healthy I think. I need to know where to go. I live in Boise. She is in indoor cat does not like to go out. Idk.
Perhaps things to buy some toys / climbing frame that can play with while you're away. Cats can get bored very easily as people. If not maybe she is sick, take her to see a vet and see what they say? They will know best of all:)
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Posted in Personal_Finance Post Date 01/03/2019